Installation and dependencies


To install tibanna_4dn and tibanna_cgap,

pip install tibanna_ff
# or pip install tibanna-ff

If you install tibanna_ff, tibanna will also be installed as its dependency. (no need to install tibanna separately)

If tibanna_ff is installed correctly, you can do the following.

> import tibanna
> import tibanna_4dn
> import tibanna_cgap
> import tibanna_ffcommon
# these require AWS credential set up as well
tibanna -h
tibanna_4dn -h
tibanna_cgap -h

Environment variables

The following environment variables are required for tibanna, unless .aws/credentials and .aws/config are set up.

export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<aws_key>
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<aws_secret_key>
export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=<aws_region>

To use tibanna_4dn or tibanna_cgap, the following environment variable is additionally required. (This is available only for the 4DN/CGAP developer team.)

export S3_ENCRYPT_KEY=<fourfront_s3_encrypt_key>

Optionally, for both cases, the following environment variable can be set up to be able to skip specifying --sfn <step_function_name> for most functions including run_workflow and stat.

export TIBANNA_DEFAULT_STEP_FUNCTION_NAME=<step_function_name>

For example,

export TIBANNA_DEFAULT_STEP_FUNCTION_NAME=tibanna_zebra_monty