Behaviors of workflow runs

This section describes the expected behavior of a workflow run in the context of various options and features that Tibanna_pony or Tibanna_zebra supports. Overall, Pony and Zebra behave in a very similar way, with just a few very specific differences (see below). The features and behaviors of Pony is tightly associated with fourfront ( and those of Zebra with cgap-portal (

Metadata (overview)

The database schemas implemented in fourfront and cgap-portal that are relevant to Pony and Zebra are the following:

  • Created by Tibanna Pony and Zebra
    • WorkflowRun
    • FileProcessed
    • QualityMetric (and those inherited from QualityMetric)
      • QualityMetricWorkflowrun (resource metric report for the run itself)
      • processed QualityMetric (e.g. QualityMetricFastqc, QualityMetricBamcheck, … )
  • May be handled as an input of a workflow run
    • FileFastq
    • FileMicroscopy
    • FileReference
    • FileProcessed (a processed file created from a previous run can be an input)
    • Workflow (workflow itself is an input of a workflow run)

For every workflow run, Pony and zebra both create a WorkflowRun object (WorkflowRunAwsem more specifically, which inherits from WorkflowRun) with a new uuid and an awsem_job_id that matches the job id of the run. They also create FileProcessed items for output files that we want to keep (Output processed file) that has a legit file format defined in the portal (e.g. bam), sometimes has an accompanying file (extra_file), again with a legit file format (e.g. bai). Not all workflow runs create a processed file output and depending on the type of output, a QualityMetric object may be created (Output QC file) or some field of the input file may be filled (e.g. md5sum and file_size) (Output report file) or a new extra file of an input file (Output to-be-extra-input file) may be created. Each of the FileProcessed and QualityMetric objects created is assigned a new uuid. Input files, processed files and QualityMetric objects are linked from the current WorkflowRun object and the QualityMetric objects are linked from a specified file (either input or processed).

If you rerun the same workflow run, it will not overwrite the existing WorkflowRun, FileProcessed or QualityMetric objects, but will create new ones. However, if a QualityMetric item is linked from any input file, this link would be replaced by the new QualityMetric. The old QualityMetric will still exist but just not linked from the input file any more. However, if the workflow run creates a new extra_file of an input file, a rerun will replace the file on S3 without changing the metadata of the input file. This is harder to trace, so to be safe, one can use an option "overwrite_input_extra" : true to allow the overwrite - without this option, by default, the rerun will fail to start.

The metadata are created at the beginning of a workflow run except QualityMetric objects. At the end of a run, they are patched with the status. If the run is successful, the WorkflowRun object is patched a status complete. If there was an error, it is patched a status error.

A resource metric report is linked from WorkflowRun at the end of each run as a QualityMetricWorkflowrun object.

Workflow Run Identifier

Tibanna provides two identifiers for each workflow run: AWSEM Job ID (or in short, job id) and Execution ARN. They look like below for example:

  • AWSEM Job ID (job id): 12-letter random string; each EC2 instance is tagged with a corresponding AWSEM Job ID.
    • e.g. Aq1vSsEAEiSM
    • e.g. esAlf8LRZvNd
    • e.g. XbYhNcbtFKwG
  • Execution ARN: AWS ARN-style string that contains info about AWS account, region, step function and execution name on the step function.
    • e.g. arn:aws:states:us-east-1:643366669028:execution:tibanna_pony:hic-bam-run_workflow_test_6dc8d3d6-8eb9-42b0-bfa8-81bcbe57273c

In addition to these two identifiers, a Tibanna Pony or Zebra run is also associated with a WorkflowRun uuid, which is uniquely created for each workflow run. It is an identifier for a WorkflowRun object.


The config of pony/zebra input json is directly passed to unicorn and is pretty much the same. There are some additional fields for pony and zebra that can be specified in config.

Additional fields for pony and zebra

  • "overwrite_input_extra" : true|false (default false) : if an output file type is Output to-be-extra-input file, a rerun of the same workflow run will fail to start unless this flag is set to be true, to protect an existing extra file of an input file created by a previous run or an existing run that will create an extra file of an input file. One should use this flag only if one is sure that the previous or the current run has a problem and the output needs to be overwritten.
  • "email" : true|false (default false) : if this flag is set to be true, it will send an email from to itself (in case of pony) or to itself (in case of zebra). To enable this to work, I had manually registered and verified these two emails on AWS Simple Email Service (SES). Since, it requires a manual registration of an email, it is not currently supported by Unicorn.

There are also recommended fields for pony and zebra, even though they are not pony/zebra-specific (unicorn also supports these features).

Input file handling


An input file may have dimension 0~3 (single element, a 1D array, a 2D array, or a 3D array).

Extra files

An input file may have extra files. Extra files are equivalent to secondary files in CWL, and usually includes index files (e.g. px2, idx, tbi, bai, fai, …). If there are multiple extra files, they should have different formats (extensions). The workflow objects and Tibanna input jsons do not have to specify any extra files and all the extra files associated with a specified input file’s File object is automatically transferred along with the file itself to the AWSEM instance.

However, it is required that the input file’s File object does contain a corresponding extra file, if CWL requires a secondary file for that input.

Renaming files

The file key on S3 follows the convention <uuid>/<accession>.<extension>. Some workflows require some input files to have specific names and to handle this problem, we use the field rename in the individual input file dictionary in the input json to specify the target name. When the file is downloaded to the AWSEM instance, before running the workflow, the file will be renamed to this target name. By default, it will be the same as the key on S3.

Output file handling

There are four types of output - processed file, QC file, report file and to-be-extra-input file.

Output processed file handling

Tibanna creates a FileProcessed item for each processed file output in the beginning of the workflow run (through start_run) with status to be uploaded by workflow. At the end of the run, it patches the FileProcessed objects with status (uploaded), md5 and file_size (through update_ffmeta).

If an output processed file has an extra file, likewise the metadata for the extra files will also be created in the beginning of the run, with status to be uploaded by workflow. At the end of the run, the extra files will be patched with status (uploaded), md5 and file_size (through update_ffmeta). In order for an output processed file to have an extra file(s), the secondary_file_formats must be specified in the workflow arguments field for the corresponding output processed file.

Quality metric handling

For QC type output, Tibanna does not create a FileProcessed item but instead creates a QualityMetric item. The quality metric item is created at the end of a workflow run, not at the beginning, since it is linked from one of the File items (either input or output) involved and if we create a new QualityMetric object in the beginning, it would inevitably replace the existing one, and if the run failed, the new one would remain linked despite the fact that the run failed.

Format of QC output

An example QC type output is the output of a fastqc run or a pairsqc run, which is a zipped file containing an html file, some text files and image files to be used by the html. However, a regular, non-QC workflow may also create a QC-type output. For example, each of the first few steps of the CGAP upstream pipeline creates a bam file along with a simple QC called bam-check which simply checks that the bam file has a header and is not truncated. These workflows have two (or more, in case there are additional output) output files, one Out processed file which is the bam file and one Output QC file which is the bam-check report. This bam-check report does not have any html file and is not zipped. It’s a single text file, which is parsed to create a QualityMetricBamcheck object.

To allow flexibility in the format of QC type output, certain qc flags are specified in the Workflow object (not in the tibanna input json), in the arguments field. There may be multiple QC type output files for a single workflow run, and for each, the following must be specified

  • "qc_zipped": true|false : the output file is zipped
  • "qc_html": true|false : the output file is an html file
  • "qc_json": true|false : the output file is a json file
  • "qc_table": true|false : the output file is a table file (tab-delimited text file)
  • "qc_zipped_html": <name_of_html_file> : the name of the html file in case the output zipped file contains an html file
  • "qc_zipped_tables": <array_of_name(or_suffix)_of_table_files> : the name of the table files in case the output zipped file contains table files.
  • "qc_type": <name_of_quality_metric_type> : name of the QualityMetric item type (e.g. quality_metric_fastqc, quality_metric_bamcheck). This field can be skipped which means that no QualityMetric item will be created even though the other QC processings (e.g. unzipping the contents, moving the file to a specific location and creating an html, etc) may still happen. This None option was added originally to be able to handle bamsnap output files as QC files without generating a QualityMetric item. However, we ended up moving the bamsnap handling to EC2 since it frequently hit lambda memory and runtime limit while unzipping the output (see qc_unzip_from_ec2)
  • "argument_to_be_attached_to": <argument> : the workflow argument name of the file (either input or output) from which the QualityMetric object should be linked. (e.g. if the QualityMetric object will be link to the processed bam file whose argument name is raw_bam, this field can be set to raw_bam.) This is a required parameter.
  • "qc_unzip_from_ec2": true|false : whether the output zip file should be unzipped to s3 directly from ec2 (default false). This is relevant only if the qc output is zipped and we want the contents of the zip file to be extracted to a folder in S3.

As you can see above, a text-style QC output can either be a JSON or a TSV format. The main difference is that if the output is a TSV format, the corresponding fields must exist and be specified in the schema of the QualityMetric item. A JSON-format output goes directly to the QualityMetric item, and to allow this, the schema must have additional_properties to be set true.

Behavior of Tibanna-ff given different QC parameters

The following table is an example scenario where a workflow generates six different QC outputs, which is highly unlikely to happen in the real world, but it is introduced to illustrate the behaviors.


The first column is the argument name which is unique to each of the six QC outputs. Each of them could have a different QC parameter combination. The second column is the argument_to_be_attached_to, which is a required parameter. The third column is the QualityMetric item type for each QC output. The fourth column describes the QualityMetric itemms to be created and the fifth column describes the QualityMetricQclist item to be created to accommodate multiple QualityMetric itemms created for a given argument_to_be_attached_to. A QualityMetricQclist item is not created if there is only one QualityMetric item linked from the file metadata of the argument_to_be_attached_to, unless the same file metadata already has a QualityMetric item from a different workflow run.

The first row is a typical case scenario in which one QC argument to be attached to one input file and so one QualityMetric item will be created for this one.


The second and third rows show two different QC arguments to be attached to the same file and each has its own qc_type. In this case, a QualityMetric item will be created for each QC argument and a QualityMetricQclist item will also be created to link two QualityMetric items to a single file item. An example could be a BAM file linked to both bamcheck and bamqc outputs, the former about the sanity check of the output file integrity and the latter about the statistics on the contents of the file including the number of reads, coverages, etc.


The fourth and fifth rows show a similar case except that two different QC arguments have the same qc_type. Since a file item cannot have multiple QualityMetric items of the same type, this means only one QualityMetric item will be created and the two QC arguments will be merged into this single QualityMetric item. Since only one QualityMetric item is generated, no QualityMetricQclist item is created. This case may not be intuitive, but an example is a workflow that generates two separate QC output files, one in JSON format and the other in the HTML format. In such a case, we want to create a single QualityMetric item with the fields taken from the JSON output and a link to the HTML report.


The sixth row shows a case where qc_type is not set (set to None). In this case, no QualityMetric item is generated. It is used for hidden QC files that do not have a QualityMetric item associated with it, such as the output for bamsnap.


Note that QC arguments with the same qc_type do not lead to a merge if their argument_to_be_attached_to is different, since each of the file items will have their own QualityMetric item in this case.


Multiple QC metrics

A single workflow run may produce multiple QualityMetric objects and Tibanna Pony/Zebra supports it.

On the CGAP portal, a single File item may have multiple QualityMetric objects, but only through QualityMetricQclist. A File item cannot directly link to multiple QualityMetric objects, since the field quality_metric in a File object is not a list. A QualityMetricQclist object has a field qc_list which is a list of links to other QualityMetric objects. 4DN portal currently does not support QualityMetricQclist.

When there are multiple QC-type output, Tibanna Pony/Zebra will segregate the QC output files by argument_to_be_attached_to. Let’s say there are three QC output files and two of them are associated with out_bam and the third one is associated with out_bw. The first two will be merged into a single QualityMetric object, and the third one will be its own QualityMetric object, i.e. Tibanna will create two QualityMetric objects even though there are three QC output files, because there are only two distinct groups based on argument_to_be_attached_to. The first two QC output files must have the same qc_type, but may be a different format - e.g. one of them is html and the other one is JSON. A File item is never associated with more than two QualityMetric objects of the same type.

Tibanna checks if the File item to associate a new QualityMetric object already has any QualityMetric associated with it. If it does, Tibanna does the following.

  1. If the existing QualityMetric object is the same type as the new QualityMetric object, replace the old one with the new one.
  2. If the existing QualityMetric object is of a different type from the new QualityMetric object, create a new QualityMetricQclist object and link it to the corresponding File object, move the old QualityMetric object to the QualityMetricQclist object, and add a new QualityMetric object to the QualityMetricQclist object.
  3. If the existing QualityMetric object is of type QualityMetricQclist, check the types of QualityMetric objects inthe QualityMetricQclist object, and if there exists a QualityMetric object of the same type as the new QualityMetric object, replace this one with the new one. If not, add the new QualityMetric object to the existing QualityMetricQclist object.

In theory, a single workflow run could create multiple QualityMetric types by creating a new QualityMetricQclist and adding all of the QualityMetric objects to it, but currently Tibanna does not support it. It may be implemented if we have a case where multiple types of QC is generated by a single workflow for a single file item.

Report-type output handling

A report-type output is different from a QC-type output in that no QualityMetric object is created out of it. A good example of a report-type output is md5 which calculates the md5sum of an input file and the result report output file that contains the md5sum value is parsed and the value is patched to the md5sum (and content_md5sum if the file is compressed) of the input File item.

Handling output that becomes an extra file of an input file

An example of an Output to-be-extra-input file is the output of workflow bed2beddb where the output beddb file will be attached as an extra_file of the input bed file, instead of creating a separate processed file with the beddb format.

By default, a second run of the same workflow run fails to start, to avoid overwriting the output extra file without any metadata log, unless "overwrite_input_extra": true is set in the config of the input json.

The extra file in the input File metadata is created at the beginning of the run (through start_run) with status to be uploaded by workflow and the AWSEM instance will upload the output file to the right bucket with the right key including the right extension (the extension of the extra file). If this upload fails, check_task will throw and AWSEM error. The last step update_ffmeta will make sure that the key with the right extension exists in the right bucket, but it does not check that the file is new or not. If it does, it will update the status of the extra file to uploaded.

Custom fields

In case we want to pass one custom fields to WorkflowRun, FileProcessed or QualityMetric objects that are created by a workflow run, we can do that by adding custom fields to the input json. Common examples of custom field would be lab and award for pony and project and institution for zebra. One could also set genome_assembly to be passed to a FileProcessed object.

Common Cutsom fields

Common custom fields can be specified in the common_fields field of the input json and the contents will be passed to all created items including WorkflowRun, FileProcessed and QualityMetric, including QualityMetricWorkflowrun and QualityMetricQclist. This can be used for lab and award for pony and project and institution for zebra. More specific custom fields can be defined using wfr_meta, custom_pf_fields and custom_qc_fields.

Custom fields for workflow run

The wfr_meta field specifies custom fields to be passed to a WorkflowRun object.

"wfr_meta": { "key1": "value1", "key2": "value2" ,,, }

In the above example, the WorkflowRun object will have field key1 with value value1 and field key2 with value value2.

Custom fields for processed files

The custom_pf_fields field specifies custom fields to be passed to a FileProcessed object. This field has one additional level to specify whether the field should apply to all processed files (ALL) or a specific processed file (the argument name of the specific processed file).

"custom_pf_fields": {
    "ALL": { "key1": "value1", "key2": "value2" },
    "out_bam": {"key3": "value3" }

In the above example, if we have two output files with argument names out_bam and out_bw, the processed file(s) associated with both out_bam and out_bw will have field key1 with value value1 and field key2 with value value2, but only the processed file(s) associated with out_bam will have field key3 with value value3.

Custom fields for quality metrics

The custom_qc_fields field specifies custom fields to be passed to all QualityMetric, except QualityMetricWorkflowrun and QualityMetricQclist.

"custom_qc_fields": { "key1": "value1", "key2": "value2" ,,, }

In the above example, the QualityMetric items will have field key1 with value value1 and field key2 with value value2.