Key CLI functions

CLI entrypoints for unicorn, pony and zebra are as follows. With -h option, one can see the list of subcommands available for each.

tibanna -h
tibanna_4dn -h
tibanna_cgap -h

Tibanna Deployment

tibanna deploy_unicorn [options]
tibanna_4dn deploy_pony [options]
tibanna_cgap deploy_zebra [options]

The above three are not interchangeable and each should be used to deploy a tibanna step function, lambdas and IAM permissions of its own kind.

Even for deploying a single lambda function, we should use the right entry point as below.

tibanna deploy_core -n <lambda_name> [options]
tibanna_4dn deploy_core -n <lambda_name> [options]
tibanna_cgap deploy_core -n <lambda_name> [options]

Running Workflow

tibanna run_workflow -i <input_json> --sfn=<stepfunctionname>
tibanna_4dn run_workflow -i <input_json> --sfn=<stepfunctionname>
tibanna_cgap run_workflow -i <input_json> --sfn=<stepfunctionname>

The above three can be used interchageably, as long as the correct step function name is used. i.e. the following command still works and would submit a job to tibanna_pony even if the entry point tibanna_cgap was used.

tibanna_cgap run_workflow -i <input_json> --sfn=tibanna_pony