
Whenever changes are made, we need to run tests.


To run tests, first do

pip install -r reqirements-test.txt

Also, before running any tests, make sure to first build based on the current repo content.

python setup.py install

Test portals

Currently fourfront-webdev is used as a main Tibanna test portal for 4DN, and fourfront-cgap is for CGAP.

Local tests

Local tests run test scripts in the tests directory using pytest.

Local tests do not involve spinning up any EC2 instance, but some of them involve uploading small files to S3 and posting minimal objects to test portals. After each such test, the files and posted items are deleted.

Local tests are a good starting point, but they’re not comprehensive, because it doesn’t involve any real EC2 instance, and the code is not run on an actual AWS Lambda environment. So this way, we cannot catch any Lambda deployment error or IAM permission setup error.

Running all local tests can be done by invoke test. Some flake8 tests are going to fail that we’re not going to fix, so it is recommended to run this test without flake8.

invoke test --no-flake

To run your code through flake8, it would be nice to do it script by script after modification, e.g.

flake8 tibanna_4dn/check_task.py

To run individual test (to save time for testing while still working on the code), one could directly use pytest, e.g.

pytest tests/tibanna/pony/test_fourfrontupdater.py

Post-deployment test

Testing on a dev tibanna requires spinning up EC2 instances and it costs $$. So this test should be done only when we’re confident about our modifications and after all the local tests already passed.

A post-deployment test first deploys dev tibanna pony and zebra and then tests are submitted to the newly deployed dev Tibanna step functions.

The dev tibanna suffixes are currently specified in tasks.py as pre. (The post-deployment tests run on tibanna_pony_pre and tibanna_zebra_pre).

To run the full post-deployment tests,

invoke test --deployment

Four different output types


  • md5 (report), fastqc (QC), bwa-mem (processed) (with a small reference index file), bedGraphToBigWig (to-be-extra-input, not yet included)
  • QCList is not available for Fourfront.


  • md5 (report), fastqc (QC), bwa-check (processed) (with a small reference index file)
    • We don’t have to-be-extra-input type on CGAP yet.
  • QCList test by running bamqc on top of bwa-check and then rerunning bamqc (must replace the first one). (not yet included)

Input array types


  • merge_fastq with very small fastq files (1D array) (not yet included)
  • merge_and_cut test workflow item (3D array) (not yet included)


  • merge_bam with very small bam files (1D array) (not yet included)
  • merge_and_cut test workflow item (3D array) (not yet included)



  • md5 conflict test (not yet included)
    • rerun the same File item with a different md5 content (must fail)
    • rerun a different File item with the same md5 content (must fail)
  • overwrite_extra test (not yet included)
    • rerun the same bedGraphToBigWig job with different file content with overwrite_extra = True (must overwrite)
    • rerun the same bedGraphToBigWig job with overwrite_extra = False (must fail)


  • md5 conflict test
    • rerun the same File item with a different md5 content (must fail) (not yet included)
    • rerun a different File item with the same md5 content (must fail) (not yet included)



  • merge WDL test workflow item (also 2D array test) (not yet included)


  • merge WDL test workflow item (also 2D array test) (not yet included)

Workflow Run QC

  • check html & tsv (not yet included)

EC2 test

  • EC2 unintended termination test (force kill externally)
  • EC2 idle test (sleep for 1hr) (Not yet included)

Travis test

Travis test is currently set up to run at every push and every PR. Travis test currently runs only local tests for most cases. It runs post-deployment tests when there is a git push to the production branch. This can take longer and $$ (actually launching EC2 instances) and we should do this only when we’re fairly confident, usually after we merge things to the master branch, we can push it to production. After the post-deployment test succeeds, Travis auto-deploys production pony and zebra.

Other tests that we should include in the future

The following tests are currently not set up and is done manually. Ideally they should be automated in the future.

  • CLI test
  • md5/fastqc trigger test
  • initiator test
  • permission tests